Why Us

Heated & Cooled Year ‘Round
No outdoor weather or humidity extremes to damage the condition of your possessions. Especially important for longer-term storage!
100% Indoor Loading
Forget about fighting rain, snow or cold. Well-lit, indoor vehicle bays keep loading and unloading clean and easy. Free transport carts? Absolutely!
On-Duty Attendant, Security and Peace-of-Mind
On-site professionals teamed with integrated security technology—personal access code-controlled doors, bright coverage lighting, surveillance security throughout.
Access your space with total peace-of-mind during convenient hours 7 days a week...and you keep the key!
Does CLEAN Count with You, Too?
It sure does with us! We keep every square inch of our facility sparkling clean—storage units, corridors, entrance points, parking lot, everything. If these are the standards of quality you’re looking for...
...Take a CLOSER LOOK at Bethlehem Self Storage.

Here's Why: